A High-Fat Diet Can Help You Lose Weight


In the past, men and women were taught that fat consumption was unhealthy, but new studies have shown that healthy types of fat are beneficial to your health. Dr. David Jayne believes in the benefits of a high-fat diet. By helping patients reduce their carbohydrate consumption and increase their fat intake, Dr. Jayne can help you lose body fat and get closer to your weight loss goals.

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Hello. I'm Dr. David Jayne, and this is the second video dealing with the topic of carbohydrate addiction as well as weight control. And I'd like to speak to the importance of eating a high-fat diet, which I know is a totally different paradigm than what we've all been taught. Consuming large amounts of fat was previously thought to be very unhealthy. There's a study, a peer study, in 200 countries over 14 years with 200,000 patients, a very big study, that showed that saturated fat, as well as other fats, were actually not associated with cardiac risk and trended towards protection. A secondary finding of the study was that carbohydrates, not fats, are linked to cardiovascular disease. So our whole thought process about fats being bad for us are really not accurate. So people are now on the bandwagon for eating the keto diet, and keto stands for ketosis. And ketosis is a state your body can go into when your sole fuel source is fat, and that burns much cleaner and is much healthier than if you're eating carbohydrates for your fuel source, which the bulk of Americans are now using carbohydrates as their basic fuel source rather than fat. So as you shift from eating carbohydrates and reduce your carbohydrate consumption, at the same time, you need to increase the fat in your diet, and people will say, "Well, if I'm cutting the carbs and adding the fat, I'm going to gain weight or I'm not going to lose weight," and that's not the case. And the reason is you won't overeat fat at any given point in time, because if you do, you'll feel sick and you stop. And if you eat too much protein at any given time, you'll get full and you stop. The only time any of us will ever overeat is with carbohydrates. Our stop button does not work because of the addiction. As you lose the body fat, as you're eating more fat in contraction to carbs, your body fat and your weight will drop. And as you get closer and closer to where you want to be, it becomes more and more important to watch your percentage body fat on your scale. And people ask me, "Well, what's their goal?" Well, when you get to a body fat percentage where you're happy with the way you look in the mirror, that's where you want to try to stay. If the body fat percentage is starting to rise, that means that you're consuming more than you're burning, which probably means you haven't been counting your carbohydrates as closely as you should. So there's not a set hard and fast number to the carbohydrate consumption. You cut it down gradually until you get to the point where you're happy with the way you look in the mirror and your percentage body fat is at a reasonable level and you feel good. That is where you want to go ahead and stop. In the next video, I'm going to go into more detail about some of the methods that I help you use in order to gain control of your weight situation and control of your carbohydrate addiction. If you're interested in making an appointment with me, please call 405-348-8850 . I'll be happy to discuss with you at your free consultation and go over this material as well as any other material you'd wish to discuss. Look out for the next video and call to make your appointment today.

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Meet the Team Edmond, OK

A Family Physician
Treating the Mind & Body

Dr. David Jayne

Dr. David Jayne uses modalities including medical acupuncture, hypnotherapy, hormone replacement therapy, and traditional Western medicine to treat both the mind and body.

Dr. Jayne:

  • Is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine
  • Is a board-certified family physician
  • Has been practicing in Edmond for over 20 years

To book a consultation, please send us a message online or call us at 405-348-8850 .

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